Get the recipe for Herbalife sponsored athlete Heather Jackson's Banana SplitShake, featuring Herbalife24® Rebuild Strength StrawBerry Shortcake, Rebuild Strength Chocolate and Herbalife24® Enhanced Protein Powder

Fitness & Performance

Herbalife Sponsored Athlete Heather Jackson’s Banana Split Shake

Nutritional Information

  • Protein: 40 g
  • Calories: 485
  • Carbs: 70 g 
  • Fat: 4.5g
  • Fiber: 5 g



  •  1 scoop Herbalife24® Rebuild Strength Chocolate 
  •  1 scoop Herbalife24® Rebuild Strength Strawberry Shortcake 
  •  1 scoop Herbalife24® Enhanced Protein Powder
  •  1 medium banana 
  •  1 cup vanilla oat milk, unsweetened



Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Makes One Shake


Herbalife24® Rebuild Strength is a dietary supplement. Label instructions for this product are one scoop (35 g) once per day within 30 minutes following physical activity.

Herbalife24® Enhanced Protein Powder is a dietary supplement. Label instructions for this product are two scoops once or twice per day.